About this Guide and its Audience

This manual guides the application programmer through the use of the dbstreams C++ database access library. The reader is assumed to know C++ and some SQL, and to have some experience programming database applications. While neither knowledge of C nor experience using a C database access library is necessary, it will be useful when the discussion turns to bindings. Also helpful is some direct experience with a particular RDBMS.

As of this writing, dbstreams is in early development and is subject to change. While it is the author's firm, hubristic belief that dbstreams universally solves all database interface issues with elegance and style, there is still room for improvement. The writer invites the reader to offer compliments, criticisms, suggestions, patches, and unqualified praise. Please expect the next version of dbstreams to reflect the best ideas, better even than what you find here today.

The list of writers who influenced the design of dbstreams is long and obvious. I would like to single out Bjarne Stroustrup's std::iostreams as the source of inspiration and guidance. In designing a C++ library, an author has many choices, in some ways too many. Very often the best one presented itself when the question was asked, "What would std::iostreams do?" Bjarne has also been tireless, as everyone knows, in advocating more and better C++ libraries. It is far too soon to tell whether or not dbstreams will ever in any way answer his plea. I can say, though, that his advocacy broadened and deepened the goals of what this library should do, and how well.